Despre Nathaniela

5 din 5

de la 99 membri plătitori

5 star
4 star
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1 star
Abilitățile ei de engleză
100% 0%
Rapid în a accepta contactul meu pe Skype/Discord
100% 0%
Excelentă pentru conversații
100% 0%
Sesiunea livrată conform discuției
100% 0%







Orientare sexuală










Mărimea sânilor



160 cm


54 Kg





striptease, roleplay, toys, heels, bdsm, worship, leather, lingerie, vibrator, goddess, strapon, nylons, pvc, lush, nora, lovense, domi, interactivevibe, fastresponse

**I like believing that I am open and interested in everything. I like experimenting new things, I like finding out about new fetishes, I like breaking boundaries and I enjoy discovering myself. Of course I have limits and some of them I would never break. Even though you never know before you ask where they are. But pleaase know I do not open up to everyone, not before we have a private conversation and get to know the person, start trusting and so on .
You can discover with me many things, some that I experienced myself over time, others that I am aware of, been told about and still would like to experinece with people that are into them.

Jucării interactive

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2 weeks ago

It's great to build a real friendship. The time goes by, talking about everything from sleep habits to workout practices. And being so in sync has other great rewards, too.

1 month ago

We talk about everything from economics, driving rules, to health care, and have a great time doing it. We never have enough time to say everything we want to, but we make the most of the time we do have when we're enjoying each other.

1 month ago

We had a lot of fun. And the conversation was even better - talking sports, languages, culture and anything else our conversation drifted towards. It's always a natural flow, never forced, and we're always surprised at how much time we spend together.

2 months ago

A great holiday visit. I was drained afterwards, and the time just went by too quickly, but it was great and memorable, as always.

2 months ago

From the subtleties of language to total relaxation, we both find relief, mentally and in every other way. The time flies by, we just get lost in the conversation and each other.

3 months ago

Another amazing visit. Things start great, get hot, and we have an amazing cool down afterwards. Everything is fun, even talking about pork.

3 months ago

A great time was had by both of us. Once we start talking we don't stop. There is an inability to control ourselves on that front too.

4 months ago

Always a great time with her. The time flies by and we both leave with smiles on our faces. Whatever the topic we always manage to have fun, even discussing the footprints of power strips.

4 months ago

After all the times we've had together, she can still surprise and bring something new to the experience. We did establish something: have two de-stressing experiences in a call is great, but not as good as having three.

5 months ago

She brought a surprising energy to our visit. We both left happy, fulfilled, and a bit exhausted, but in a very good way.

5 months ago

Great visit, as always. It's funny how she can read my mood just from a few typed messages before the call, but she always seems to know exactly how to get the best experience for both of us.

6 months ago

I dared to bring the ultimate satisfaction to this Seductress.....and I think I succeeded. I know she definitely succeeded with me.

6 months ago

This visit was just what I needed, but it was even better because we communicated and it was just what she needed too.

7 months ago

Another great experience with Nat. The only bad thing is the visit was too short. But then again, aren't all our visits too short?

7 months ago

Enjoyed our time together as short as it was. Sweet, cute laugh paired with a beautiful smile. And of course a sexy and electric body.

7 months ago

Another intense visit. There was no shortage of good conversation, and we could have gone on for hours. There is always next time!

8 months ago

We've been seeing each other for years, and we have fun talking an laughing and everything, but the ability to talk about our journey and how we got here is the fulfilling thing. It's a truly open friendship with no judgments.

8 months ago

The call started with a stiff neck, but afterwards the relaxation was so total that the neck was the only thing that was stiff.

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Acest model a ales să nu afișeze ID-ul de Skype pentru oaspeți. Pentru a discuta cu ea despre nevoile tale, înainte de a plăti, ia în considerare crearea unui cont.
(vei primi ID-ul ei de Skype / numele de utilizator Discord în e-mailul de confirmare)
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Alege cel mai bun moment pentru tine și CERE O ÎNTÂLNIRE PE SKYPE

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Poți SOLICITA O ÎNTÂLNIRE cu Nathaniela atunci când îți este convenabil. Totul este în fusul tău orar, în orele tale locale. Ea va primi solicitarea ta și o va accepta dacă programul ei este liber. Vei primi o confirmare prin email și te poți pregăti pentru experiența ta incitantă.

Aceasta NU este o întâlnire live față în față. Este online și va avea loc pe Skype.

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Trebuie să ADĂUGI FONDURI în contul tău pentru a putea suna Nathaniela sau orice alt model. Acesta este un sistem securizat care îți permite să plătești pentru show-uri private pe Skype cu plată per minut.

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